Me and my boys - the original spinners! (Laura Devries Photography)

Why Use a Feelings Spinner

We all experience a range of emotions every day. That's what makes us human! Some emotions may feel more pleasant than others, but all of them are important.

When we talk about our feelings with others, we get to know each other on a deeper level, we normalize the whole range of emotions, and we put a name to our feelings so that we can have more control over our actions.

How it Started

I created a Feelings Spinner several years ago when I was looking for a way to connect with my boys at bedtime. I wanted to hear about the parts of their day when they felt something… the good things, the bad things.. all of it! I told them to flick the spinner, and whatever word it landed on, to tell me how they felt that day.

It was an instant success! My boys wanted to spin it every night! And not only was I hearing about important parts of their day, but my boys were learning to name their emotions on a daily basis. They were learning it was normal to experience and talk about all of their emotions, even the unpleasant ones.

Who Can Use a Feelings Spinner

Anyone! I first made these with parents and children in mind, but I consistently received feedback that these would benefit adults as well. And I agree! My hope is that Feelings Spinners can be a tool to help all of us know ourselves, and others, a little bit better.
